Orthographic Projection
The Orthographic Projection is the view from space, that is, from infinity with parallel lines of sight. It is also our view of our project in a visualization environment (VE). If the projection origin is at the topocentric origin, the ellipsoidal Orthographic Projection is a special case of the orthographic vertical perspective in which the ellipsoid height of all mapped points is zero (h = 0). Orthographic projection coordinates in 2D are identical to 3D topocentric coordinates but without the vertical component.
Indonesia in Orthographic Projection
The Orthographic Projection is a first step in the direction of topocentric coordinates, which is a major step in the direction of ECEF. The projection is neither conformal nor equal-area, but near the point of tangency there is no significant distortion. Within 90km of the origin the scale change is less than 1 part in 10,000, 4 times better than the worst of UTM.